Digital Media

Use your library card number and PIN to access e-books, audiobooks, digital magazines & newspapers, movies, TV and music for the whole family.

Don't have a library card? Get one here.
Access a collection of e-books to enjoy on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Get the app: Libby
OverDrive Support:
Safely search e-books for readers 12 and younger, including read-alongs for preschoolers. Filter by format, subject, device or reading level.
Get the app: Libby
OverDrive Support:
Instantly stream or download e-books, including kids’ materials. There’s no waiting, and items are returned automatically. Use Bonus Borrows to stream or download even more, without using a single borrow. Simply set up a Hoopla account using your DCL credentials.
Get the app: iOS Android
Hoopla Support:
Help children build real-world knowledge using these video storybooks paired with thematically related nonfiction e-books.
Access a collection of audiobooks to enjoy on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Get the app: Libby
OverDrive Support:
Safely search audiobooks for readers 12 and younger. Filter by format, subject, device or reading level.
Get the app: Libby
OverDrive Support:
Instantly stream or download e-books, including kids’ materials. There’s no waiting, and items are returned automatically. Use Bonus Borrows to stream or download even more, without using a single borrow. Simply set up a Hoopla account using your DCL credentials.
Get the app: iOS Android
Hoopla Support:
Magazines & Newspapers
Magazines & Newspapers
Access from anywhere. Simply sign in or create a Barron's account and then renew your access here as needed. Sharing login credentials is not permitted.
Get the app: iOS Android
Barron's Support:
Download digital magazines to read on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Get the app: iOS Android Kindle
Flipster Support:
Enjoy access to The New York Times. To use this complimentary subscription, log in or register for a NYTimes account and then renew your access here as needed. The subscription authorizes unlimited access within the library and renewable access outside the library.
Get the app: iOS Android
NYTimes Support:
Instantly access newspapers, including USA Today, The Economist, The New York Times digital replica edition, and magazines from around the world through the app or on your desktop.
Get the app: iOS Android
PressReader Support:
Enjoy complimentary access to the Wall Street Journal from anywhere. Simply sign in or create a WSJ account and then renew your access here as needed. Sharing login credentials is not permitted.
Get the app: iOS Android
The Wall Street Journal Support:
Movies, TV & Kids Videos
Movies, TV & Kids Videos
Instantly stream or download digital movies and TV, including kids’ materials. There’s no waiting, and items are returned automatically. Use Bonus Borrows, BingePass and CuriosityStream for extra borrowing power, plus Craftsy step-by-step video instruction for crafting. Simply set up a Hoopla account using your DCL credentials.
Get the app: iOS Android
Hoopla Support:
Customers are credited 10 Kanopy tickets for use per month. There's no waiting, and items are returned automatically. Access to the Kanopy Kids collection is unlimited. Set up a Kanopy account using your DCL credentials.
Get the app: Kanopy
Kanopy Support:
Instantly stream or download music, including kids’ materials. There’s no waiting, and items are returned automatically. Simply set up a Hoopla account using your DCL credentials.
Get the app: iOS Android
Hoopla Support:
Many Digital Media items are also listed in the catalog.
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