Summer Reading

Congratulations to our 2024 school contest winners!

Larkspur Elementary School, Mountain Ridge Middle School, Thunderridge High School, and Renaissance Secondary School. Each school was awarded $500 courtesy of the Douglas County Libraries Foundation.

8 Reasons Why We Love Summer Reading

For school-aged kids, a single summer without reading can lead to falling behind by one to three months in reading skill. The effect is cumulative, and it's not easy to catch up. A study done by Johns Hopkins Center for Summer Learning showed that by the end of fifth grade, children who didn't read over summer breaks lagged two years behind the reading levels of summer readers. Library summer reading programs play an important role in helping combat this "summer slide." Kids who read at least six books over summer breaks maintain or improve their reading skills. Summer reading programs kick-start learning in reading, boosting test scores, motivation, confidence, and positive attitudes toward reading.
Access to books is the best way to combat the "summer slide." Kids who have books around them find books they want to read. The more they read, the less they slide. We offer exciting reading choices for all ages, all year long. Our staff is excited to share their favorites as suggestions!
Summer Reading gives kids a chance to choose books they'd like to read. Though it can be practical for schools to guide students by reading level, summer offers them freedom to read outside those boundaries. When children are motivated by their interests, they can read successfully above their tested levels, growing their vocabulary and skills. When children are allowed to read books that might be considered too easy, they may develop fluency and comprehension, so they can better understand and retell what they've read. Most of all, free choice helps kids be excited about books—which motivates them to read even more!
Summer Reading gives reluctant readers the time and freedom to explore their own interests at their own pace. As J.K. Rowling said, "If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book." For struggling readers, the library can provide not only the right book, but also extra motivation. Summer Reading helps build reading connections through fun events and activities. Summer Reading prizes reward practice and make reading less work and more fun.
Summer Reading encourages families to be creative about reading. Reading becomes a game, and families are encouraged to be playful with it. Summer Reading includes fun activities for children, in addition to keeping track of time spent reading. We encourage kids to make connections between what they read and their world. We encourage families to grow the fun quotient by mixing up regular reading routines. Perhaps they'd like to make a book fort for a rainy afternoon, or find a great place to read outside—or enjoy the quintessential kid favorite: stay up late, reading with a flashlight!
We all enjoy listening to a great book, but for children, reading aloud is an important part of becoming a reader—and one that shouldn't stop as kids start reading on their own. Author and educator Jim Trelease says that a child's reading level doesn't match his listening level until eighth grade. When parents read aloud with older children, it provides unique opportunities... opportunities for understanding, empathy, discussion and bonding, in addition to myriad academic benefits.
Summer Reading helps us educate people about early literacy. With special activities for babies and toddlers, we encourage parents to begin literacy education from the very beginning. Through Storytime, library events, and a targeted approach to Summer Reading, we help prepare kids to read on their own through talking, reading, writing, singing and playing.
Summer Reading builds community by providing a shared goal. It encourages families to make reading a part of their traditions and helps parents become great role models for young readers. Kids are more apt to read when they see their parents reading, too. Summer Reading emphasizes the universal importance of reading—for all ages and stages.
Summer Reading begins June 2025!
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